Sunday, March 22, 2015

My Week in Pictures | February 27th 15- March 5th 15

Friday February 27th

Another full writing day.  Kate and I are deep into editing Alliance. I love this book!!

Saturday February 28th

I chose my meal at a food market just because I thought the vendor as cute. I'm sure where that puts me in life choices.

Sunday March 1st

Even though it was my day off I took the little girl to the beach. It was 37c! I almost melted.

Monday March 2nd

Got a company TV from my host mom's work. I'm really part of the family now :)

Tuesday March 3rd

Kate and I were super shocked that our book got into Pitch Maddess. Here's our entry. If you're an aspiring writer, and you don't know what it is, check it out now.

Wednesday March 4th

The little girl wanted to make a 7 layer cake. We compromised on something more in my skill set.

Thursday March 5th

Started playing The Sims 4 again, but its not eh same without my sister watching me.

My Week in Pictures | February 20th 15- February 26th 15

Friday February 20th

Beautiful food market for Chinese New Year

Saturday February 21st

No matter where you go in Sydney, there is always a beautiful view. I love this city!

A photo posted by Leah & Kate Rooper (@leahkatewrite) on

Sunday February 22nd

Chinese New Year Parade in the City. Check out my storie! @leahkatewrite

Monday February 23rd

I love grocery shopping. Is that weird?

Tuesday February 24th

Doing the little girls hair like my mom used to do mine <3 Topsy turny

Wednesday February 25th

Another day at the office...

Thursday February 26th

Went to an Alice in Wonderland inspired cafe

My Week in Pictures | February 13th 15- February 19th 15

Friday February 13th

Went to a pretty cool bar. The drink I got had a giant ice cube in it.

Saturday February 14th

Checked out the Australian Open of Surfing. 

Sunday February 15th

I got lots of nice Valentines, despite being single! 

A photo posted by Leah Helen Rooper (@leahrooper) on

Monday February 16th

Did some character sketches of our Egyptian Book

Tuesday February 17th

It had to be done. 50 Shades of Grey time...

Wednesday February 18th

Painting with kiddie paints.

A photo posted by Leah Helen Rooper (@leahrooper) on

Thursday February 19th

I could eat Mexican for every meal and never grow tired of it.

Saturday, March 21, 2015

My Week in Pictures | February 6th 15- February 12th 15

Friday February 6th

Went to a free concert :)

Saturday February 7th

Another perfect writing day. It's all about just a little everyday.

Sunday February 8th

Went to Palm Beach! It's the set of the Australian soap opera home and away. 

A photo posted by Leah & Kate Rooper (@leahkatewrite) on

Monday February 9th

It's a good day when...

Tuesday February 10th

How am I supposed to get any work done!

Wednesday February 11th

Me and the  girl made this super fun craft for Chinese New Year

Thursday February 12th

She honestly hinders everything.

My Week in Pictures | January 30th 15- February 5th 15

Friday January 30th

I finally saw the final hobbit movie, and on the BIGGEST IMAX SCREEN IN THE WORLD. I enjoyed it, but not as much the original trilogy.

Saturday January 31st

Hiked a million stairs and saw the Three Sisters at the blue mountains.

A photo posted by Leah & Kate Rooper (@leahkatewrite) on

Sunday February 1st

We started talking about wedding, so the little girl got a costume frozen wedding dress, made by her mother!

A photo posted by Leah Helen Rooper (@leahrooper) on

Monday February 2nd

I may have a stuffed animal problem.

Tuesday February 3rd

Saw some new stills for Frozen Fever. So excited!!

Wednesday February 3rd

I stabbed myself on these rocks. It hurt.

Thursday February 5th

The little girl tried to dress this bear in build-a-bear clothes. I don't know how I feel about it....

Monday, March 16, 2015

My Week in Pictures | January 23rd 15- January 29th 15

Friday January 23rd

Manly scenic walk. Was so beautiful.

Saturday January 24th

Curl Curl beach. We went on a super windy day and the waves were crashing so high.

Sunday January 25th

Scorching day, so spent the day inside drawing with air conditioning on full blast.

Monday January 26th

Happy Australia Day!! It was a pouring out, but we made the best of it.

A photo posted by Leah Helen Rooper (@leahrooper) on

Tuesday January 27th

It was seriously like a monsoon. Not going to lie I listened to this song all day.

Wednesday January 28th

Me and the kid had a movie day. Penguins of Madagascar. So cute <3

Thursday January 29th

Editing at a coffee house. My life is seriously the best.